Signs Of A Tick Infestation In Your Humphrey’s County, TN Home & Yard
Some species of ticks require moisture to survive. Ticks will feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Each tick species has a preferred host but most will feed on any blood that’s available to them. Ticks are known to bite livestock, deer, humans, dogs, and cats. Ticks can vary in color by species with some being smaller than a sunflower seed (over 1/3 of an inch in length when engorged with blood). Common ticks include the American dog tick, deer or blacklegged tick and lone star tick.
Signs Of A Tick Infestation In Your Home & Yard
The first sign you have ticks is actually seeing them. Secondary signs include the medical symptoms from the disease or fluids transmitted by ticks. These signs vary and are best left to a medical professional for diagnosis. Ticks will seek safety in hidden locations within homes.
How To Remove A Tick From A Human, Dog Or Cat
When ticks are found on pets or people it is extremely important to remove them with caution. The tick needs to be grasped behind its head with tweezers and pulled slowly away from the host’s skin. The goal is to remove the tick entirely. If the body is broken off but the head still attached to your skin, you can try removing the mouthparts with a sterilized needle but this is a lot more difficult than removing the whole tick in the first place. Also, if the tick is crushed it may lead to further dangerous fluids being released. The infected area needs to be washed thoroughly and disinfected. Be sure to seek medical attention if you have concerns resulting from a tick bite.
How Do Ticks Get In Your House?
Ticks will find their way inside your home by hitching a ride on a pet, people or clothing. It’s a good idea to inspect pets and children to make sure they don’t have any ticks and to wash any clothing that may have them before coming into the house. Pets need regular inspections which will reduce the chance of them contracting a tick-borne disease. Ticks that are feeding should be removed immediately. Talk to your vet about treatments for tick control.
Ticks & Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is caused most often by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Some symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migraines. If Lyme disease is left untreated, the infection can lead to the joints, heart, and nervous system. Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics. Prevent the chance of contracting Lyme disease by using insect repellent, removing ticks promptly, applying pesticides and reducing tick habitats. Ticks that transmit Lyme disease can on occasion transmit other tick-borne diseases as well.
Tick Prevention & Control
Ticks can be a nuisance for us and our pets and can cause major health issues. Make sure to repair any cracks or gaps and keep the grass cut short outside to discourage infestations. Be sure to remove all empty bird and rodent nesting materials as ticks will infest these items. The treatment used for ticks is not the same as for fleas. You need to consult professionals if you suspect a tick infestation. If you’re worried about ticks around your home, call HTP Termite & Pest Control, Inc. to come up with a solution.
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