What Are Mosquitoes? Types of Mosquitoes in Tennessee

mosquito on wood

In general, adult mosquitoes have slender bodies with long legs, narrow, hairy wings, and extended, specialized mouthparts that they use for feeding. Their exact coloring and color patterns depends on the specific species. However, many species are black, dark brown, or black and white in color.

Types of Mosquitoes in Tennessee

Three species of mosquitoes are commonly found in Tennessee:

  • Culex Mosquitoes (also referred to as the house mosquito)
  • Asian Tiger Mosquitoes
  • Yellow Fever Mosquitoes


Are mosquitoes dangerous?

Mosquitoes are considered extremely dangerous pests as they are responsible for spreading serious diseases to people all across the world, including malaria. In the United States, the diseases that mosquitoes are responsible for spreading include harmful illnesses like West Nile virus, encephalitis, Zika virus, and more. Mosquitoes are also responsible for spreading canine heartworm which is a parasitic worm that, if not treated, can be fatal for dogs. In addition, when mosquitoes bite, they leave behind itchy welts that can be irritating and lead to secondary infections when scratched, which may require medical attention.

Why do I have a mosquito problem?

Mosquitoes are attracted to properties that provide easy access to breeding grounds and plentiful food sources. Standing water in any amount such as water collecting on a tarp, a birdbath, a puddle in the driveway, a kiddie pool, or a pond in the backyard can attract mosquitoes to a property. Despite popular belief, only female mosquitoes bite humans and feed on blood as they require blood meals in order to acquire the proteins necessary to create their eggs. However, both females and males feed on plant nectar as their primary food source. This means that properties that have a lot of flowering vegetation incorporated in amongst their landscaping design can also be quite appealing to mosquitoes.

Where are mosquitoes commonly found?

Mosquitoes are most active at dusk and dawn and can be found flying around outside searching for food. During the heat of the day, mosquitoes like to rest in areas of tall grass or dense vegetation. These pests are dependent on living near a source of water so the females can deposit their eggs on top of the water or on the vegetation in the water. Because of this, mosquitoes are generally found in large numbers on properties that have marshy land, ponds, swamplands and other wet habitats on site or nearby.

How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

The best way to deal with a mosquito problem is to partner with a trusted pest control professional. At HTP Termite & Pest Control, Inc. we offer the responsive services needed to provide customized residential treatment programs to all of our customers. Our experienced professionals utilize modern treatments and environmentally sensitive and EPA-registered products to solve your property’s mosquito problems. To learn more about our Mosquito Treatment and Control program and how it can help protect your West Tennessee home from disease-spreading mosquitoes, reach out to us today!

How can I prevent mosquitoes in the future?

Preventing problems with mosquitoes can be a difficult task. However, there are several things you can do in and around your home to discourage them from sticking around:

  • Maintain gutters to prevent water from pooling in them.
  • If possible, fill in any low-lying areas on your property that collect rainwater.
  • Keep wading pools, wheelbarrows, flower pots, and other containers upside down when not in use.
  • Keep tarps tied tight to prevent them from collecting water.
  • Cut back overgrown vegetation on your property.
  • Maintain your lawn and keep your grass cut short.
  • Repair or replace window and door screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

Areas We Serve

We provide mosquito control in the following areas:

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